Other Secured

Effective 01/01/2025APR
100% Share secured3.00% above current share rate
50% Share secured6.00% above current share rate
Certificate Secured Advances3.00% above the current share certificate rate. Rate subject to change based on new rate of Share Certificate at new maturity.

The Annual Percentage Rate you receive is determined by your credit history and other underwriting factors. Please ask a loan representative about your qualifying rate.

Apply for a Loan Online

Payment: Your payment will be determined at the time of the advance and will be disclosed on the voucher accompanying your advance. However, your minimum payment will never be less than $25.00 per month.

Late Charge: After 15 days from the due date, the late charge will be 5% of your payment.

Collection Costs: You agree to pay all costs of collection to include 33 1/3% attorney fees, court fees, and any other expenses incurred in the collection of the amount due.

You will be linking to another website not owned or operated by Connects Federal Credit Union. Connects FCU is not responsible for the availability or content of this website does not represent the other website or you, should you enter into a transaction. We encourage you to review their privacy and security policies which may differ from Connects Federal Credit Union.

NOTE: This email is for general inquires only. Electronic mail is not secure, and confidential information (such as social security number, account number, etc.) should not be communicated in this manner.