Other Secured
Effective 01/01/2025 | APR |
100% Share secured | 3.00% above current share rate |
50% Share secured | 6.00% above current share rate |
Certificate Secured Advances | 3.00% above the current share certificate rate. Rate subject to change based on new rate of Share Certificate at new maturity. |
The Annual Percentage Rate you receive is determined by your credit history and other underwriting factors. Please ask a loan representative about your qualifying rate.
Payment: Your payment will be determined at the time of the advance and will be disclosed on the voucher accompanying your advance. However, your minimum payment will never be less than $25.00 per month.
Late Charge: After 15 days from the due date, the late charge will be 5% of your payment.
Collection Costs: You agree to pay all costs of collection to include 33 1/3% attorney fees, court fees, and any other expenses incurred in the collection of the amount due.